Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Matahariku –Agnes Monica

Tertutup sudah pintu .. pintu hatiku
Yang pernah dibuka waktu hanya untukmu
Kini kau pergi dari hidupku
Kuharus relakanmu walau aku tak mau

Berjuta warna pelangi didalam hati
Sejenak luluh bergening menjauh pergi
Tak ada lagi cahaya suci
Semua nada beranjak aku terdiam sepi

Dengarlah matahariku suara tangisanku
Kubersedih kerna panah cinta menusuk jantungku
Ucapkan matahariku puisi tentang hidupku
Tentangku yang tak mampu menaklukan waktu

Berjuta warna pelangi di dalam hati
Sejenak luluh bergening menjauh pergi
Takada lagi cahaya suci
Semua nada beranjak aku terdiam sepi

Monday, December 13, 2010


Terdapat pelbagai cara untuk menguji keunikan tubuh badan kita, diantara keunikan itu sudah tentulah otak manusia.. dibawah ini ada ujian yang menarik untuk dicuba bersama.....

Ini adalah ujian masa yang ringkas, cuma lakukan dan jangan cuba menipu diri anda sendiri

Kira jumlah huruf F's dalam perenggan dibawah dalam masa 15 saat:


dah selesai?Scroll kebawah hanya apabila anda telah selesai mengira!


berapa banyak?

tiga? (anda tentunya seorang lelaki!!!)

baca sekali lagi!


Salah, sebenarnya terdapat 6, kira semula..

Sebab berlakunya perkara tersebut diterangkan dibawah ini...

otak LELAKI tidak memproses perkataan "OF".

Keajaiban kejadian atau silap mata?

Sesiapa yang dapat megira kesemua 6 F's pada permulaan ujian memiliki otak PEREMPUAN

Cuba la dengan kawan2 anda untuk meguji setakat mana kebenaran perkara ini.."

Pekara2 Yang Kita X Perasan...

1. Sekurang-kurangnya ada 5 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dan sanggup mati kerana anda.

2. Sekurang-kurangnya ada 15 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dalam beberapa cara.

3. Sebab utama seseorang membenci anda adalah kerana dia ingin menjadi seperti anda.

4. Senyuman daripada anda boleh membawa kebahagiaan kepada seseorang walaupun dia tidak menyukai anda.

5. Setiap malam ada seseorang mengingati anda sebelum dia tidur.

6. Anda amat bermakna dalam hidup seseorang.

7. Kalau bukan kerana anda, seseorang itu tidak akan hidup bahagia.

8. Anda seorang yang istimewa dan unik.

9. Seseorang yang anda tidak ketahui menyayangi anda.

10. Apabila anda membuat kesilapan yang sangat besar, ada hikmah disebaliknya.

11. Sekiranya anda merasakan anda dipinggirkan, fikirlah semula; mungkin anda yang meminggirkan mereka.

12. Apabila anda terfikir anda tidak mempunyai peluang untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang anda ingini, mungkin anda tidak akan memperolehinya, tetapi sekiranya anda percaya pada diri sendiri lambat-laun anda akan memperolehinya.

13. Kenangilah segala pujian yang anda terima. Lupakan segala maki hamun, caci & cela.

14. Jangan takut untuk meluahkan perasaan anda; anda akan merasa senang bila seseorang mengetahuinya.

15. Sekiranya anda mempunyai sahabat baik, ambillah masa untuk memberitahunya yang dia adalah yang terbaik. Seminit Hanya seminit diperlukan untuk mendapat sahabat baik, sejam untuk menghargainya, sehari untuk menyayanginya, tapi sepanjang hidup untuk melupakannya. Hantarlah pesanan ini kepada orang yang anda tidak akan lupa dan hantarkan juga kepada orang yang menghantar pesanan ini. Ini adalahpesanan pendek untuk menyatakan yang anda sentiasa mengingatinya. Kalau anda tidak menghantar pesanan ini, bermakna anda sudah melupakan kawan-kawan anda. Ambillah sedikit masa dan anda sudah pasti memberi keceriaan kepada seseorang atau mungkin mengubah hidup mereka kepada yang lebih baik.

10 Bukti Lelaki Itu Rumit

1.Jika kamu melayannya dengan baik, dia fikir kamu jatuh cinta kepadanya.Jika tidak, kamu akan dianggapnya sombong.

2. Jika kamu berpakaian cantik, dia fikir kamu sedang cuba untuk menggodanya.Jika tidak, dia kata kamu kekampungan.

3. Jika kamu berdebat dengannya, dia kata kamu keras kepala.Jika kamu berdiam diri, dia kata kamu tak ada IQ tinggi.

4. Jika kamu lebih pintar daripada dia, dia akan jatuh air muka.Jika dia yang lebih pintar, dia bilang hebat.

5. Jika kamu tidak cinta padanya, dia akan cuba mendapatkanmu bermati-matian.Jika kamu mencintainya, dia akan cuba untuk meninggalkanmu.

6. Jika kamu beritahu dia masalahmu, dia kata kamu menyusahkan.Jika tidak, dia tuduh kamu tidak mempercayainya..

7. Jika kamu cerewet padanya, dia anggap kamu seperti seorang pengasuh .Jika dia yang cerewet pada kamu, itu kerana dia mengambil berat.

8. Jika kamu mungkir janji kamu, kamu tidak boleh dipercayai.Jika dia yang ingkari janjinya, dia melakukannya kerana terpaksa.

9. Jika kamu menyakitinya, kamu sangat kejam.Jika dia yang menyakitimu, itu kerana kamu terlalu sensitif dan terlalu sukar untuk dijaga hati.

10. Jika kamu mengirimkan ini pada lelaki-lelaki, mereka pasti bersumpah semua ini tidak benar


Kenapa dulu, masa mula-mula kenal, saban hari bertanya khabar.
Biar sekalipun letih dan busy.
Bergayut sampai kredit habis !
Setiap kali nak pergi or balik dari kerja, mesti bagi tau dulu.
Setiap kali nak masuk tido mesti wish dulu.

Setiap kali keluar bersama terasa bangga di dalam diri.
Setiap kali tangan digenggam erat, terdetik rasa selamat ketika bersama.

Tetapi kenapa tiba-tiba, begitu susah untuk menerima walau satu sms sehari ?
Apatah lagi nak call ?
Berat sangatkah sms tuh ?
Perlu ke pejabat pos kah untuk mengirim sms tuh ?
Alasan penat bekerja mula diberi. Dulu tak pulak.
Disaat diri betul-betul memerlukan, mana dia menghilang ?
Tapi saat dia kesusahan, diri ini sentiasa ada untuk dia.
Diri ini bagaikan objek tak berguna. Di saat perlu, datang tiba-tiba.
Disaat apabila tak diperlu, lesap ntah ke mana
Bila ugut mintak clash, mulalah terhegeh-hegeh baru nak sms. Baru nak call n sms pagi-pagi buta.
Bukan tak pernah beri nasihat. Bukan sekali dua. Tapi berkali-kali...
Beginikah lelaki ?

Sebelum dapat, lain perangainya. Bila dah dapat lain pulak perangainya.

Dah mula naik kepala bila tau ada orang sayang dia.
" hargailah orang yang sayang kita. Jangan sampai bila dia dah takde, baru rasa menyesal "

WisHeS fOr NLN..

To d special person...NLN,


Bukannya senang nak cari kawan yang baik.Bukan senang juga nak menjadi kawan yang baik.
Kawan yang baik tak pernah mengumpat di belakang kawan baiknya.

Kawan yang baik tak pernah cemburu dengan kejayaan kawan baiknya.Sebaliknya kawan yang baiklah yang paling banyak membantu kawan baiknya untuk mencapai kejayaan.

Kawan yang baik tak pernah mempengaruhi kawan baiknya untuk membuat perkara yang buruk dan sia-sia.

Kawan yang baik adalah orang yang selalu menasihati kawan baiknya untuk berbuat kebaikan.

Kawan yang baik adalah orang pertama yang akan dicari bila tiba masa sedih atau gembira.

Kawan baik menjadi tempat kita meluahkan perasaan yang tak dapat diluahkan kepada kawan biasa.

Kawan yang baik tak pernah memaksa kawan baiknya untuk sentiasa berada di sisinya.

Kawan yang baik tak pernah melarang kawan baiknya untuk berkawan dengan kawan yang baik.

Kawan yang baik tak pernah cemburu jika kawan baiknya mempunyai ramai kawan baik, kerana kawan yang baik tahu apa yang paling baik untuk kawan baiknya.

Kawan yang baik akan sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan kawan baiknya.

Kita adalah kawan yang baik jika kita faham bahawa kawan baik kita bukanlah seorang yang sempurna.

Kita adalah kawan yang baik jika kita menjadi kawan yang baik kepada kawan baik kita.

Kita bukanlah kawan yang baik jika kita tidak menghargai kawan baik kita, kerana kawan yang baik akan sentiasa menghargai kawan baiknya.

Kita bukanlah kawan yang baik jika kita tidak memberitahu perkara yang baik kepada kawan baik kita, kerana kawan yang baik akan selalu menyampaikan perkara yang baik kepada kawan baiknya.

Kawan yang baik akan memanjangkan naskhah ini kepada kawan-kawannya, bukan kerana terpaksa, bukan kerana suka-suka, tetapi untuk dijadikan pedoman oleh kawan-kawannya supaya dapat menjadi kawan yang baik kepada kawan baiknya.

Dan kalau kita nak dapat kawan baik yang baik, kita mesti lebih dahulu menjadi seorang kawan yang baik kepada kawan baik kita. Dan semoga kita menjadi kawan baik yang baik.

8 Qualities of a Good Friend

True friendships can start instantly but they take time to build.Here are a few qualities of a good friend:-

1. A good friend is honest.

A good friend may not share every detail of every second of their life, but they do try to be clear about their intentions. This means that they try to present an accurate picture of who they are and of different situations. When something doesn't seem right, they let you know.

2. A good friend is fun, unique and interesting.

OK, this is a given, and probably the reason you became friends in the first place. But there's a lot to be said for chemistry and shared interests.

As for fun, it depends how you define it: Some friends are fun because they're the life of the party, others are fun because they notice every strange little detail about a situation. Some people are fun simply because they see life like no one else does.

3. A good friend is attentive and adaptable.

A good friend is at least a fairly good listener and notices how little, day-to-day things affect you. They can't read your mind, but chances are they can usually tell when you're happy, sad, excited, shocked or upset. If they're aware that they're doing something that annoys you, they try to change their ways or at least talk to you about it.

4. A good friend is supportive of you and your goals.

Sure, your friend may think you're cool, but are they on the same page as you? Do they know what you want most out of life? A really good friend will know what makes you tick and help you become the person you want to be. They won't try to change who you are or drag you into situations that make you uncomfortable or put you at risk of losing something that matters to you.

5. A good friend is a friend you can trust.

A true friend won't try to steal your girlfriend or boyfriend, your job or your personality. They won't gossip about you constantly or try to damage your reputation. They will let you know when they're concerned and do their best to stick up for you when you're in trouble.

6. A good friend makes it clear that they care about you.

Different people may have different ways of letting you know that they care about you. One person may give you a big hug whereas another person might gently tease you. A big clue that someone cares is that they talk to you fairly often and, in general, know what's going on in your life and act interested about it.

7. A good friend sticks with you in good times and bad.

Loyalty is a quality almost everyone lists when asked what they look for in a friend. A loyal friend will stick with you when your new play is a flop, when you bomb the SATs or when your parents get divorced. If you move or switch schools, they'll do their best to stay in touch with you.

8. A good friend accepts you for who you are, even when you're being a butthead.

In friendship, being accepting goes hand in hand with being loyal. A true friend rolls with the punches as you grow and change and know how to deal with your quirks and faults.

They are also patient with you when you make mistakes -- even big ones -- and learn how to forgive you when you hurt them. In other words, they treat you as you'd like to be treated, even when you aren't at your best.

All I'm looking for right now is a true friend that’s going to be there for me when I make stupid mistakes, like me for who I am, make me laugh when all I want to do is cry, tell me everything’s gonna be ok even though its not, give me advice to some of my problems, basically be there for me through it all. Everything, ups and downs. Someone who’s not gonna ditch me for their boyfriend, new friends, or even a sport they like.

It may be a difficult task because I believe that it depends on luck but on the other hand, it also depends on one’s capabilities to connect and to communicate!Maybe if i try to hard to find a true friend, it will never come. i’m just going to let time go by and have my true friend come to me.

I hope someday in my life, Iwill meet my true friend with whom I can relax and simply enjoy being with! (,:

It's Been A While Since I've Blogged

It’s been a while since I've blogged. Sometime it feels like homework. If it were a class, I'd a failed by now.

THE PERFECT FRIEND... I your perfect friend?I am trying my best and giving out my best to you!!:p

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cinta Sempurna

saya suka lgu cinta sempurna ni...suka sangat!!!all the best Yuna!!!and for the song too!!!

Sweet nyer lagu YUNA nie..luv it!!

saya suka lgu cinta sempurna ni...suka sangat!!!all the best Yuna!!!and for the song too!!!

saya suka lgu cinta sempurna ni...suka sangat!!!all the best Yuna!!!and for the song too!!!

saya suka lgu cinta sempurna ni...suka sangat!!!all the best Yuna!!!and for the song too!!!

Aku Manusia Lemah
Selalu Terjatuh
Berbeda Aku Dari Mu
Kau Berdiri Teguh
Aku Serba Tiada
Aku Kekurangan
Dan Bila Kau Tiba
Aku Hilang Dari Kewujudan

Sempurnanya Sifatmu
Tulusnya Hatimu
Jujurnya Niatmu
Tingginya Kesabaranmu
Lepaskanlah Diriku
Kerna Aku Tak Mampu
Tuk Menanggung
Sebuah Cinta Sempurna

Bukan Aku Tak Pernah Mengerti Dirimu
Kusanjung Setiap Kata Cinta Kau Berikan Aku
Hilangkan Rasa Itu Akhirkan Semua
Dan Bila Kau Sedar Aku Hilang Dari Kewujudan.. Oooo

Sempurnanya Sifatmu
Tulusnya Hatimu
Jujurnya Niatmu
Tingginya Kesabaranmu
Lepaskanlah Diriku
Kerna Aku Tak Mampu
Tuk Menanggung Sebuah Cinta Sempurna
Read more:

Masa Untuk Aku...Simply 4 Myself

masa untuk diri sendiri...
tak perlu fikir tentang org lain...
tak perlu fikir tentang masalah diri
tak perlu fikir masalah dunia...
tak perlu fikir masalah2 yg bakal jadi...
atau masalah yang dah jadi tapi aku masih buat bodoh...
semuanya tak perlu...
letih fikir tentang semua
sebab diri ni rasa mcm susah untuk puaskan hati semua
cuba sedaya upaya
tapi masih lagi tak dapat penuhi ...
dan susah untuk katakan tidak...
sedang cuba untuk lebih kejam
kejam untuk katakan tidak...
marah dengan diri ni...
simpati tak bertempat ...
mahukan masa itu...
masa untuk diri sendiri
masa dan tempat untuk diri sendiri...
tak perlu orang lain selain aku
hmmm.agak letih berada dalam kondisi sebegini...
tunggu saja masa itu
masa dan tempat utk aku berhibernasi dan berfikir untuk aku ...
masih tunggu masa itu akan tiba...
masih berharap...
dan masih mengharap...
masa untuk aku

Persoalan Hidup

Due to the request of my d only precious follower..miss workshop gonna try blogging in malay...haha im sorry if my bm is out here n not dat pro in b.m...but a kinda of ok...

Manusia hidup dengan penuh persoalan dan tanda tanya, penuh dengan spekulasi dan penuh dengan rasa ingin tahu.. persoalan sangat penting bg mendapat satu jawapan.. perlu cari jawapan sebenar dari satu spekulasi..perlu berani untuk ingin tahu semua jawapan yang mungkin kita sendiri tidak mahu dengar.. tapi adakah adil jika jawapan kamu beri tidak menjawab persoalan.. dan spekulasi kamu itu berdasar jawapan yang kamu sendiri tak mengkaji dengan betul... dan kamu rasa kamu sudah cukup berani terima jawapan itu walaupun sebenarnya kamu itu masih dalam kepompong ingin tahu... hmm mungkin mmg sudah lumrah manusia suka membuat andaian sebelum kamu tahu kebenarannya.. jangan salahkan orang lain jika kamu yang ingin jawapan yg kamu selesa.. mengapa perlu bangkit persoalan yang tak logik... dan paling tak boleh diterima then cuba salah kan org lain atas kesalahan kamu.. sungguh tidak adil....prejudis terhadap org lain.. melabelkan orang lain sesuka hati kamu tanpa berfikir mungkin label tu kurang sesuai, atau berjaya 100% buat dia xwujud pon ... manusia mmg xlari dari apa semua diatas, saya nie bukan la baik sangat seperti malaikat .. tapi saya tahu untuk tidak buat seseorang itu hilang kepala.. hilang kepala itu bermaksud buat seseorang itu malu sampaikan berat utk bawa wajah itu kesana kemari.... bg saya semua manusia sama... jangan pernah kamu mengadili dia sebelum kamu kenal dia sebenarnya... dan bila kamu sudah nampak belang sebenar.. mungkin masa itu kamu patut perlahan2 kurang kan apa yang patut.. =) if setakat luaran menjadi pengukur saya rasa baik kamu bangun dari mimpi.. =)


As I grow older I slowly realize that life is actually very short and very very unpredictable.
One minute you might be here laughing the next minute you might be crying.Or one day you are here the next day you are gone.I always like to use the phrase " You'll never know' Seriously you can never predict what lies ahead of you. A clean and straight path? Narrow path? A path full of ups and down? Or a path of no return. Some people say your future lies in your own hand. How true is it? To me your life is already written in a book. If HE wants you to stay you stay if HE wants you to leave any minute you can just leave this place.You can even leave this place while you are sleeping. Your heart just stops. Or you are in your own house and suddenly an airplane just crash into your house. Or you are happily hanging out with your friends and some unfortunate event happened.

It hurts to lose someone you know and love. So cherish every moment you have with the people around you. Your family members,close friends, facebook friends, acquaintance, gaming friends, even your enemies or people you don't like .

Always remember to Live Life to the Fullest and cherish everything and every moment that you are blessed with. Life your life with no regrets.( I think i regret too much in life d. lol ) Oh yes and never ever Give UP!

Lol like very emo this post. Haha maybe stress?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Difference Between Love n Marriage

Love is holding hands in the street.
Marriage is holding arguments in the street.

Love is dinner for 2 in your favorite restaurant.
Marriage is a take home packet.

Love is cuddling on a sofa.
Marriage is one of them sleeping on a sofa.

Love is talking about having children.
Marriage is talking about getting away from children.
Love is going to bed early.
Marriage is going to sleep early.

Love is a romantic drive.
Marriage is arrive on tops curvy tarmac .

Love is losing your appetite.
Marriage is losing your figure.

Love is sweet nothing in the ear.
Marriage is sweet nothing in the bank.
Tv has no place in love.
Marriage is a fight for remote control.

Love is 1 drink and 2 straws.
Marriage is "Don't you think you've had enough!".

Conclusion: "Love is blind, Marriage is an eye opener!"

Cake Personality Test..

Pick your cake, and then look to see. Take this Cake Personality Test If you were buying a cake and you had your choice of the following, which would you choose?

* Angel food
* Brownies
* Lemon Meringue
* Vanilla with Chocolate Icing
* Strawberry Cheese Cake
* Chocolate on Chocolate
* Ice Cream
* Carrot Cake

OK - Now that you've made your choice, this is what research says about you! NO... . you can't change your mind once you scroll down! So think carefully, what your choice will be!!!

No peeking until you choose!!!

Scroll down . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ... ... .. . . . .

* Angel food ... Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy
items. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being child-like and immature at times.

* Brownies . You are adventurous, love new ideas, are a champion of Underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up, you whip out your sabre. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend to be very loyal.

* Lemon Meringue... Smooth, sexy, & articulate with your hands, you are an excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But don't try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, but you have many friends.

* Vanilla with Chocolate Icing ... Fun-loving, sassy, humorous. Not very grounded in life, very indecisive and lack motivation. Everyone enjoys being around you, but you are a practical joker. Others should be cautious in making you mad, however, you are a friend for life.

* Strawberry Cheese Cake... Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other people and can be counted on in a pinch. You tend to melt. You can be overly emotional and annoying at times.

* Chocolate on Chocolate ... Sexy, always ready to give and receive. Very creative, adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances. Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.

* Ice Cream... You like sports, whether it is baseball, football,
basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but you enjoy watching sports. You don't like to give up the remote control. You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.

* Carrot Cake... You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you. You are a very warm-hearted person and a little quirky at times. You have many loyal friends.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Birthday Date Meanings

Check this out...

Is your birthday day 1 of the month?

Your Life

You are very curious and dedicative. When you are interested in something,everything else has to wait. This is your quality. But if you learn to be more patient and complete what you have started, you will be successful in life.
Your Love
You believe in love at first sight. You won't wait to learn more about the person. Vise versa, people who fail to impress you will hardly get a chance to be your friend. Your emotion is on the extreme. You can only love or hate, nothing in between and this often shows in your expression. Try not to end a relationship in a quarrel.
Is your birthday day 2 of the month?

Your Life

You have great common sense but usually fail to follow through. This might happens because you are too busy with your mission and shut yourself from the outside world. You are clever and profound so there's a slight chance for self-control problem.
Your Love
Your love progress slowly, and quietly. You seem to be contented with your unrequited love. Your are a romantic and loyal lover.
Is your birthday day 3 of the month?

Your Life

Although you are innocent and romantic but your expression often mislead others that you are an active, fun loving kid. Because of your double personality, it's hard for others to really know the real you. You are careful and patient.
Your Love
Your love is the greatest which often surprises others. No one can bring you
to light when you are in love. Your confidence might lead you to the track your parents disagree.
Is your birthday day 4 of the month?

Your Life

You usually think before acting which makes your life quite easy. But you often are the one who give yourself a hard time by being paranoid. People might not truly understand you but you are really nice to be around.You are cheerful and friendly.
Your Love
Still water runs deep, that's what you are. You always surprise others with your new character when you are in love. Your love trap often comes unexpectedly and your love life is full of surprises.
Is your birthday day 5 of the month?

Your Life

Although you are on the quiet side, but you enjoy excitement and changes.Routine is something you cannot stand. Because of your extreme confidence,you hardly ask others for opinion. You believe in leading your own life, and you have got the gift in doing so.
Your Love
Nothing can stop you from making progress in your love life. Once you are in love, you feel the ownership of your lover. A third party can only makes your jealousy becomes worse.
Is your birthday day 6 of the month?

Your Life

You are generous with people in need, sometimes to an extreme that people find you nosey. Your hidden courage and dedication often surprise others. Your imagination is extremely unique.
Your Love
Your love life is on the smooth track because it grows from friendship.Although you may not make a sweet lover but your sincerity bring happiness to your couple.
Is your birthday day 7 of the month?

Your Life

You are sensitive to changes around you but your feeling is hardly expressed. You hate exaggerations. Under your quiet personality, you are rather stubborn and self-centered. These qualities are the force behind your extreme persistence.
Your Love
You have enormous courage to please your lover. Your relationship often progress quickly.
Is your birthday day 8 of the month?

Your Life

You have pleasant and friendly personality. People look u to your wit and imagination. You are unpredictable and hardly complete what you started, which sometimes create negative impact to people around you.
Your Love
Falling in love becomes your routine. Most of the time you are lucky. You fascinate people with good taste but you never have enough with one. Although your love progresses very fast, it never lasts.
Is your birthday day 9 of the month?

your Life
You often have problem in promoting yourself, just because you don't know how to express your true self. On the other hand, you don't really care what they think. This is why people misunderstand you until they really get a chance to learn about your pleasant personality.
Opposite sex find you mysterious and worth searching. Your wit is remarkable but sometimes you are too fast to follow.
Your Love
You won't reveal your feeling even after dreaming about the same guy over and over. Your first love lasts forever. You are responsible to the feeling of your lover. The chance to betray your lover is none. You have luck with children. You Will be Happy Always with u r Love

Is your birthday day 10 of the month?

Your Life

You are very capable. If you are a woman, you have high chance to be a renowned workingwoman. If you are a man, your path to fame and honor is near. As an innovator, you are not a good follower. You are good in implementing your imagination and share it with others. You are always well dressed.
Your Love
You often lose your love ones from being too jealous. You always feel like you own the person you fall in love with and that often blows your relationship.
Is your birthday day 11 of the month?

Your Life
You are gracious, elegant and prudent. People admire your qualities and some even become jealous of you. You are realistic, flexible and adaptable. You are remarkably kind and moral person.
Your Love
You are willing to sacrifice yourself for the one you love. Your lover will always have your gentleness, care and loyalty. You will always be happy to hand around the one you love.
Is your birthday day 12 of the month?
Your Life
You are friendly, humorous and full of energy. You are open-minded and do not care for minor details. Your weak point is your hot temper.
Your Love
You are willing to start off in one-sided love affairs because you strongly believe that you will eventually win his/her heart. On the other hand, once you are together, you always want to do things your way, which is often the fire starter. You usually run in and out of love quickly.
Is your birthday day 13 of the month?
Your Life
You are sincere and easy going. Flattering and charming around are not your style. You care so much for freedom that often leads you to the difficult path. Because of your sincerity, most people find you easy to be around although you are sometimes too straightforward.
Your Love
Your gentleness, care and sincerity make you an attractive person. Eventhough you don't intend to be charming, but you naturally are, especially in the eyes of opposite sex.
Is your birthday day 14 of the month?
Your Life
You are so confident that sometimes you forget about the people around you.If you have to be in one of the two teams, you will choose to be in the winning team. On the other hand, you are kind and caring but above all, you care for your own benefits. Your imagination is unique and often gets implemented shortly after it comes across.
Your Love
You will not get soft with the one you don't really like, no matter how hard he/she tries. But once you feel for someone you have chosen, there's no getting back.
Is your birthday day 15 of the month?
Your Life
You are outgoing and love to be at the center of attention. From the outside, you may seem flashy, flirty, and tricky but your true self is strong, full of hope to be the leader. When you
fail to convince someone, you will get frustrated, and perhaps let your temper shows.
Your Love
You are emotional. Many can win your heart at once, but not for long.This is why you hardly win a decent relationship.

Is your birthday day 16 of the month?
Your Life
You always follow the good and the right instead of listening to your heart.Another word, you are a perfectionist. You care for every word people say about you. You often seen isolated while you are, by nature, curious and a dreamer who is ready to get over the edge to make your dream comes true.
Your Love
You often fall in love with a person who is much different from you, in age and other aspects. Your relationship grows on friendship. Love at fist sight is not your style.
Is your birthday day 17 of the month?
Your Life
You neither want to be interfered nor have the desire to mess with others'life. But you are friendly and occasionally a party animal. You are always in a circle of friends. You often do things in your own way that occasionally go beyond the acceptable limit. People may find you childish
and not very attractive in that sense.
Your Love
Your fun-loving character attracts opposite sex. Many of those are great.You often find yourself trapped among a few great guys while you have to choose only one.
Is your birthday day 18 of the month?
Your Life
At first glance, people think you are quiet type of person. Actually you are cheerful, but conditionally. You will show your joyful character only in good mood. One the other hand, when you are moody, no one would dare to be around. Because of your emotion fluctuation and frank character, some find you hard to be around.
Your Love
You hardly show your feeling towards opposite sex no matter how much you like him/her. Your partner also has similar character so your love affairs often take quite a while to flourish. Time tells it all. Your sincerity makes you very attractive.
Is your birthday day 19 of the month?
Your Life
You are great in managing everything in your life and this is how you gain respect from others. Because of this quality, you sometimes feel that you are better than the rest. Extreme confidence might lead you to the wrong path. You are a free bird and want to lead your own life.
Your Love
You love life is rather different from others'. When you are in love, nothing can stop you. You may often fight with your partner but, soon after that, you will make up in a way that surprises others.
Is your birthday day 20 of the month?
Your Life
You are prudent, circumspect and take things seriously. Before you make any move, you will think of a few alternatives that might take a while. You are patient, imaginative and target oriented. You value friendship more than anything else.
Your Love
You usually study your partner carefully before making any move. You never demand anything beyond the natural quality of that person. Your sincerity doesn't bring excitement in your love life but it brings deeply grown relationship.
Is your birthday day 21 of the month?
Your Life
You are curious and a true follower. You can please someone so much that it seem like you are trying to charm that person. You hide your disagreement under your smiling face. This is a charming quality of yours.
Your Love

You are quite unlucky in love. You are loved by someone you don't like while your dream man is so far away. Your love life is occasionally under turbulence. Sometimes you don't have the clear view of the guy in your heart.
Is your birthday day 22 of the month?
Your Life
You have the boss character, but not a leader. Most people look up to you for your capability and confidence although they find you quite stubborn. You should listen more to others. You are a unique and charming individual.
Your Love
You hardly take the moderate track. You either love or hate someone. Whom you call friends are the chosen ones. If any of them betray you, you won't let them get away without having hard time.

Is your birthday day 23 of the month?
Your Life
You never live your life in the way others want you to. You are an independent individual who loves challenges and excitement. You are ready to face with the result of your decision. You are usually the one your friends count on.
Your Love
Because you love excitements, you occasionally get involved in forbidden love affairs. You may fall in love with a married person and no one can stop you from making progress. You are very charming, although you might not realize it.
Is your birthday day 24 of the month?
Your Life
You are very optimistic and that's why you always enjoy life. You are gifted in entertaining others. Your friends love and trust you. You'll be the first they come to when they are in need of someone to speak their heart out.
Your Love
Sometimes you fall in love just because you want to be in love, not that you really like that person. You always be seen as a sweet couple but you can't really get over your love ones from past. Your partner is usually crazy about you because you are remarkably charming and romantic.
Is your birthday day 25 of the month?
Your Life
You are a warrior. No obstacle can stop you from reaching your goal. You always keep yourself busy. This quality plus your responsibility will eventually bring you success.
Your Love
You adore your partner as the number one priority. You value your love one more than yourself. Your love is the greatest of all and your have potential to get married young.
Is your birthday day 26 of the month?
Your Life
You are always curious and responsive to changes. Routine life is not the way you choose to live. Travelling is your favorite hobby because excitement is what you are after.
Your Love
You will not stand being around the one you dislike. Your love comes and goes quickly. You can be deeply in love but soon after you will be looking around for the next one.
Is your birthday day 27 of the month?
Your Life
You are sensitive and vulnerable. Tears often run down your cheeks even when the matter is not that bad. This might be the result from being to pessimistic. You might seem cold on the shell, but your inner self is a kind loving person.
Your Love
You will be elegantly dressed, no matter how casually dressed your date may be. You are demanding in love and sometimes to an unacceptable extend.
Is your birthday day 28 of the month?
Your Life
You are a capable person but you usually underestimate your own ability.This is the cause of missing numbers of opportunity to step forward. If you try to give yourself a chance, you can be successful in life. Try to see things on the bright side and you will be happier than ever.
Your Love
You are quite unlucky in love. The one in your arm is not the one in your heart. Your love has so many ups and downs. You often chicken out before seeing any progress in love.
Is your birthday day 29 of the month?
Your Life
You can trust your sixth sense. Life is exciting so routine job is not your interest. You have great ideas and fantastic imagination. You often feel tired of things and people around you.
Your Love
You can tell what's in the mind of another person just from looking into his/her eyes. You are paranoid and jealous and these are the cause of fights between you and your lover. Sometimes the thing you believe in is just your imagination.
Is your birthday day 30 of the month?
Your Life
You are always surrounded by a circle of friends. You are friendly and fun to be with. Though you occasionally disappoint them by being stubborn, but over all, they love your qualities.
Your Love
You want to have full control of your love and that's not a nice way to treat your partner. You take your time in saying yes to his wedding proposal or if you are a man, you will not propose anyone until you are certainly confident which might take ages.
Is your birthday day 31 of the month?
Your Life
Your emotion is hard to predict. You can be sad this minute and happy in the next. People might find it difficult to follow your emotion and understand you. You tend to take things seriously.
Your Love
You take your time to study a person before falling in love. Once you decide that he or she is the one, no one can stop you from making progress,even your partner.